Distribution Ovum in Various Parts of Branch Bamboo Coral Isis hippuris in bone Tambung Island, Spermonde Island, Makassar

Candri, Dining Aidil Distribution Ovum in Various Parts of Branch Bamboo Coral Isis hippuris in bone Tambung Island, Spermonde Island, Makassar. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR).

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Bamboo coral is a soft coral that has limited energy resources should be divided among the various biological functions, include sexual and asexual reproduction, growth, maintenance and repair of cells. Interactions between growth and reproduction is an important part functionally as they compete in the use of energy left after the fulfillment of basic needs for maintenance and repair of cells. This study aims to determine the existence of ovum according to level of development, the number of ovum per piece of polyps and polyps reproductive proportions in various parts branches of the Bamboo coral Isis hippuris and prove the hypothesis that there is an interaction between the growth and reproduction of the resources availiable.This research was done on coral reefs Bone Tambung Island impertinent, Spermonde Islands, Makassar. At this location distribution of colonies obtained considerable bamboo coral as for preparation and histology analysis performed in the laboratory of the Veterinary of Maros South Sulawesi.A total of 10 colonies were sampled randomly in groups of colonies were found on the island. Coral branches broken with a hammer or chisel. Samples were taken at 5-month immersion and sampling is done every month. Colonies of bamboo coral sampled diameter> 15 cm and predictable classified as reproductive size. The number of ovum showed significant differences in levels of development among branches of the bamboo coral Isis hippuris. The end of a branch of coral polyps have proportions that contains more ovum with the average number of ovum per piece polyps higher, amounting to 5.13 grains and significantly different from the middle and the base of the branches, each of which has a number of ovum per piece polyp only by 4.07 piece and 1.4 piece.

Item Type: Other
Keywords (Kata Kunci): distribution, ovum, Isis hippuris, spermonde, Makassar.
Subjects: Q Science > Q Science (General)
Divisions: Fakultas Matematika dan ilmu Pengetahuan Alam
Depositing User: Dr Dining Aidil Candri S.Si., M.Si
Date Deposited: 13 Apr 2023 08:31
Last Modified: 13 Apr 2023 08:31
URI: http://eprints.unram.ac.id/id/eprint/36270

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