The Comparative Risk and Income Analysis of the Cultivation of Cayenne Pepper, Big Red Chili, and Curly Chili on the Lombok Island

MUHAMAD, SIDDIK and Dwi, Praptomo Sudjatmiko and Tajidan, Tajidan and Bambang, Dipo Kusumo and Anwar, Anwar (2022) The Comparative Risk and Income Analysis of the Cultivation of Cayenne Pepper, Big Red Chili, and Curly Chili on the Lombok Island. Nongye Jixie Xuebao/Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Machinery, 53 (12). ISSN 1000-1298

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The aim of this research is to develop a comparative model of production risk and price risk and determine its relation to the income from cayenne pepper, big chili, and curly chili farming in the tropical areas. To find the comparative model of production and price risk, an analysis of variance, standard deviation, and coefficient of variation between types of chili was carried out and the relationship between the level of risk and income by using a Pearson correlation analysis. The data were collected from 90 sampling units consisting of 30 sampling units for each type of chili farming. The sampling unit for each type of farming was selected using a simple random sampling technique, while the data were using structured interviews, in-depth interviews, and observations at each chili farming location. The research found that the production risk of cayenne pepper farming is lowest compared to the production risk of curly chili farming and big chili farming; conversely, the price risk of cayenne pepper is in the high-risk category compared to the price risk of big chilies and curly chilies. Pearson correlation analysis can be used to determine the relationship between the level of risk and chili farming income, the higher the production risk, the higher the income of cayenne pepper and curly chili farming. Meanwhile, the higher the production risk, the lower the income from big chili farming, while the higher the price risk, the lower the farming income.

Item Type: Article
Keywords (Kata Kunci): coefficient; correlation; deviation; farming; model
Subjects: S Agriculture > S Agriculture (General)
Divisions: Fakultas Pertanian
Depositing User: Dr. Muhamad Siddik MS
Date Deposited: 08 May 2023 10:10
Last Modified: 08 May 2023 10:10

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