Feasibility of water-saving technology to improve shallot productivity in dryland of Eastern Indonesia

Suriadi, A and MARDIANA, MARDIANA and HALIMATUSSA’DIAH, HALIMATUSSA’DIAH and Nazam, M (2022) Feasibility of water-saving technology to improve shallot productivity in dryland of Eastern Indonesia. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 1107 (1). ISSN E-ISSN: 1755-1307, P-ISSN:1755-1315

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Increasing productivity of shallot using water saving technology in dryland farming system is recently documented in the literature due to efficient use of water irrigation. However, to what extent of profitabiliy and feasibility of water saving technology in dryland farming system of shallot are limited information. The aim of this study was to determine the feasibility and profitability of water saving technology of shallot farming system in dryand of easten part of Indonesia. Input and output data were obtanied from the experimental research involving three treatments of technology packages tested and laid as Randomized Block Design: (A (Trichoderma, sprinkler irrigation, use of bio-urine); B (same as A but with furrow irrigation); and C (farmer practice), The amount of water used was measured using a water meter. The results showed that package A has achieved the highest shallot yield at 31.6 tons/ha, 14% and 45% higher compared to package B and C, respectively. The total cost of irrigation with package A was less than the other packages, in which there was 15.8% and 30.4% more efficient compared to package B and package C, respectively. The cost of cultivating shallots with water-saving technology was lower than package B and farmer practices. The total profits obtained for package A was IDR 199,475,602 ha-1 which was higher than package B and farmers practices which was IDR 162,420,704 ha-1 and IDR 108,165,556 ha-1, respectively and with B/C ratios for each package A, package B and package C was 2.88; 2.21 and 1.39 respectively. Thus, water saving technology for shallot farming system in dryland have high feasible to be developed.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: S Agriculture > S Agriculture (General)
Divisions: Fakultas Pertanian
Depositing User: Dr., Ir. Halimatus Sa'diyah, M.Sc.
Date Deposited: 11 Jul 2023 05:16
Last Modified: 11 Jul 2023 05:16
URI: http://eprints.unram.ac.id/id/eprint/40964

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