C.6-3-Pengembangan Hortikultura Lahan Kering Berbasis Pertanian Organik Dengan Perbaikan Teknologi Budidaya Di Desa Kayangan Lombok Utara

Jaya, Putra and Parwata, I Gusti Made Arya and Bambang Budi Santoso, Bambang Budi Santoso and I Komang Damar Jaya, I.K.D. Jaya (2019) C.6-3-Pengembangan Hortikultura Lahan Kering Berbasis Pertanian Organik Dengan Perbaikan Teknologi Budidaya Di Desa Kayangan Lombok Utara. Jurnal Gema Ngabdi (JGN), 1 (3). ISSN P-ISSN: 2656-6516, E-ISSN: 2656-8098

C.6-3-Pengembangan Hortikultura Lahan Kering Berbasis Pertanian Organik Dengan Perbaikan Teknologi Budidaya Di Desa Kayangan Lombok Utara.pdf

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increase the Planting Index (IP) supported by the availability of sufficient water, especially for the development of horticultural commodities. The increase in the Planting Index is expected to lead to an increase in community welfare, specifically an increase in farmers' incomes. The development of horticulture is intended to provide added value to farmers' income by applying environmentally friendly Good Agricultural Practices with production management in accordance with the conditions of natural resources. One area of dry land that has sufficient potential for horticultural development in North Lombok Regency is Kayangan Village. Problems faced by dry land farmers include the level of knowledge and skills of farmers, especially in the management of horticultural commodities and the relatively low level of farmer participation. To overcome these problems, innovation technology transfer is needed through the development of environmentally friendly horticultural crops by regulating cropping systems and improving cultivation technology to increase farmers' incomes. Counseling and training, as well as demonstration plots for improved cultivation technology and regulation of horticultural cropping patterns were carried out during May-November 2019. Community service activities were considered quite successful in terms of the enthusiasm and perseverance of participants in participating in counseling and training, as well as demonstration plots (tomato plants, chili peppers, melons, intercropped tomatoes and pachoi). The results of the demonstration plot showed a significant increase both in crop productivity and increased income per unit area of arable land. On going assistance from all parties, especially the local government, is expected to sustainably develop horticultural commodities in order to increase the income of dry land farmers

Item Type: Article
Keywords (Kata Kunci): crop index, environment, training, cropping patterns
Subjects: S Agriculture > S Agriculture (General)
Divisions: Fakultas Pertanian
Depositing User: Dr. Bambang Budi Santoso
Date Deposited: 14 Jul 2023 02:59
Last Modified: 14 Jul 2023 02:59
URI: http://eprints.unram.ac.id/id/eprint/41111

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